World History Courses

World history includes a wide variety of topics, including the earliest beginnings of civilization through the modern era.

Learners can choose the course depending on their interest in the level they need. Some courses are credit-bearing and accepted at over 2000 colleges and universities.

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What is World History?

World history is an important subject that students will learn about throughout school and beyond. provides a variety of courses that supplement learning about this topic, with some offering credits that can be applied to over 2000 colleges and universities. includes thousands of resources to help students and educators with content related to world history. The variety of available content is inclusive for every grade level and skill set. Teachers and students can use the lessons to support learning in and outside the classroom. Lesson plans, tutoring assistance, videos, quizzes, and various other resources related to world history can be found on this page.

World history is also called global history. The terms may be used interchangeably, as they both relate to studying past events that helped develop our world as we see it today. World history is taught throughout the world and gives context to events happening right now by helping students to examine the past and think critically about how it has influenced our world today. Additionally, students learn about important global figures that have shaped society. Students also learn about worldwide cultures, including Ancient Greece and India, as well as topics like colonization and how world wars influenced society. y studying the concepts and ideas taught in these courses, students are able to earn course credits and develop a deeper understanding of the world as it has developed throughout civilization.

Teachers can use the resources below to help support their curriculum or plan daily lessons or entire units, depending on the topic. With such a vast amount of resources included, there is something for everyone wanting to learn more about world history.

World History Lessons and Skills

In the lessons and skills section, students can choose the topic or lesson they want and answer additional questions related to that topic. Studying world history provides students with many academic skills that can be translated beyond world history and applied to other subjects. World history teaches students to think critically about how cultures around the world developed. Students can demonstrate their comprehension skills as they progress through the course by taking quizzes throughout each chapter. They can prepare for these checks for understanding by watching videos, taking notes, and answering questions.

Students who study world history and geography learn additional skills throughout the course. Memorization is an important skill that students often need when learning details about history. Students are encouraged to take notes as they go through each chapter. Each chapter progresses in a way that helps expand students' knowledge of the content. Courses are typically organized chronologically. Students are able to revisit past lessons to maintain and add to their knowledge of each topic as they progress through the individual courses.

History is often presented in a chronological format. Students learn to read timelines as they progress through various courses. Learners will also explore the importance of cause and effect, and how the actions of certain groups of people directly influence the outcomes for others in the world. This can help prepare students to understand text formatting and features better.

The world history course will teach students the critical thinking skills they need to analyze the events of history and significant historical figures. Students will learn to examine different types of sources, including primary sources, and to think about the significance of these important documents and images. Analysis of primary source material is an important skill, as it helps students think more deeply about the artifact's context.

Throughout the subject of world history, students will practice reading comprehension as they read passages and sources relevant to the topic they are studying. The lessons on provide students with definitions and context surrounding events to help them understand the content they are reading. Students will also read texts presented in a variety of formats, including timelines and letters.